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ProRealAlgos is a company with a simple idea

To bring our clients with us up the Net Worth ladder

In 2019, Carl Eriksson began sharing his proprietary algorithms with fellow traders, who quickly recognized their profitability and potential. As interest in these algorithms surged, Carl established ProRealAlgos, formally extending his algorithmic solutions to traders everywhere.

Five years on, the company has evolved significantly. What started as a venture to sell algorithms has transformed into a comprehensive business with a distinct mission: To bring everyone using our algos, on the same journey Carl have made, since he prediminatly started using algos to climb the net worth ladder a decade ago. 


Get to know our founder Carl Eriksson

"After a few years I was compelled to bring other traders with me"

Back in 2015 I found myself not enjoying discretionary trading as much as I used to. After years in front of the screens trading I wanted to try something else. Some of my trading friends had already got into automatic trading and as I have a coder background the threshold to get started was quite small.


I started coding the strategies that I already had been trading for years. Just 1 year later I had fully stopped trading manually and were just building algos. I found that the algos gave me the same returns (and better) and I enjoyed coding, backtesting, validating more than I ever did trading discreationary. 

Follow Carl here

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"I vision our algos making our clients multi-millionaires"

For every year our algos continue to make fine returns, my own conviction of our ability to create robust algos, for all market conditions, strengthens.


With close to a decade since I started coding algos to climb the Net Worth ladder, I feel a strong urge to share what I've learned, to share the strategies and to share the success with others. 


I'm honoured by the fact that our clients trust us with their capital and that the number of clients continue to grow. I vision our algos making these clients multi-millionaires as they have made us. 


Our commitment goes beyond mere profit-making; it's about forging lasting relationships with our clients, understanding their aspirations, and contributing significantly to their financial empowerment.


Two years later I had doubled my capital and a few years after that I felt compelled to bring other traders with me on the same journey I had made. 


One thing led to another and what started as an blunt idea to automate my manual trading, has now led me to lead a small quant trading business, and to provide algos for hundreds of traders, managing millions. From running me and my family's capital to in 2023, accumulatad through all clients making approximately 120 000 trades with a gross exposure of 15 billion euros.  


Guest lecturer on quantitative trading

If you'd like to meet Carl in person you can find him as various trading related events, helping traders become algo traders.


Who is Carl Eriksson?

Our founder Carl Eriksson is a Stockholm based serial entrepreneur, tech-nerd and digital nomad, with a degree in data science. Aside from ProRealAlgos you'll find him either coding an app, like, or developing his next alt crypto currency. 


When not spending time with any of the on-going business ventures, you'll probably find him on the golf course or in the ski slopes.


About the ProRealAlgos team

The ProRealAlgos team is a small team combined of tech nerds and programmers on 3 different continents. In Nov 2019 we decided to start renting out algos based on the code that we ourselves already had been running for years.

Tech Nerds     Trading = true


Carl Eriksson

Our founder Carl Eriksson is a Stockholm based serial entrepreneur, tech-nerd and digital nomad, with a degree in data science. Aside from ProRealAlgos you'll find him either coding an app, like, or developing his next alt crypto currency. 


When not spending time with any of the on-going business ventures, you'll probably find him on the golf course or in the ski slopes.


Juan Jacobs

After graduating in 2010 with a BSc in Business Information Technology from the University of Greenwich, I spent seven years as a Systems Analyst for a multinational company. Deciding to leave the corporate world, I embraced the challenge of trading full-time.


I apply my logical skills and technological tools to create optimal trading opportunities, striving for excellence in every endeavor.

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Momo Bilal

Momo, our day-to-day manager, is a tech enthusiast and a proficient developer based in India. With an insatiable curiosity for technology and a knack for problem-solving,


If you don't find him backtesting another strategy in ProRealTime™, you'll likely find him devloping some web app, or chatting with some clients of ours.

Mission and Vision

Our mission

To bring our clients with us up the Net Worth ladder

At ProRealAlgos, our mission transcends beyond merely creating high-performing algorithms. We are dedicated to empowering our clients by providing them with exceptional algorithmic solutions coupled with insightful risk and money management guidance.


Our commitment is to enable clients to fully harness the potential of our algorithms, ensuring they experience substantial financial growth and success, much like the journey our founder, Carl Eriksson, embarked upon a decade ago.

Our vision

"Transforming our clients into

Our vision at ProRealAlgos is to be the cornerstone of financial success and empowerment for traders worldwide. We aspire to continually develop robust algorithms that thrive in all market conditions, transforming our clients into multi-millionaires.


We aim to build enduring client relationships, deeply understanding their goals and contributing significantly to their financial triumph. Our journey is not just about profit; it's about sharing success and knowledge, elevating traders' net worth globally.

Our mission and our algos deserves a dedicated program

After 6 years in business, our algos have proven themselves many times over but we see that we can further improve the capital growth of our clients by 1) providing better information money and risk management and by 2) better mediating the conviction of our algos.


That's why we decided to create a dedicated program, Carl's Capital Climbing Club, to fulfill our mission and to take another leap towards our goal; Creating exceptional growth for our clients through a long term relationship built on trust and commitment, adressing a few rather than everyone.


4 steps for success

Below is an attempt to, in an easy and understandable way, describe how our development is done. All algos you see on this site have gone through this process. The idea behind creating this process was to standardize our development to make it measurable and possible to adjust. By creating algos through the same process over and over again we can tune and adjust the steps to make it even better. We continuously make small improvements to the process to make sure it only creates algos that are robust; a prerequisite to be profitable in algo trading.

The development process

Strategy idea
and alignment

Defining an edge or an idea, and enunciating the strategy including settings e.g. timeframe, index, stoploss

Source code optimization

IS/OOS-optimization of the source code parameters using 60-70% IS and 40-30% OOS.

Walk forward

60/40 WF-test over 5 iterations. All periods must be over 50% WF-efficiency. Total efficiency over 80%.

Demo, trial & Live

Algos tested in demo for X trades or 10k bars before going to live, also for X trades or 10k bars*

*X = 5% of number of trades in backtest


A question everyone should ask us

If the algos are that good, why would you sell them?

Selling our algos means a risk free income (for us) in addition to the risk based income that those same algos are already giving us. It doesn't cost us anything to sell them, it doesn't affect the results of the algos, and the code is hidden so they can't be copied.


So the better question to ask is, why wouldn't we sell them, when they can generate additional income with minimal effort? 

"Do you understand the risk?"

Terms and conditions

Investments are made at your own risk. Financial instruments can both increase and decrease in value, and there is a risk that you will not get back the money you invest. Historical returns are no guarantee of future returns.

Terms and conditions

1.1 Welcome to Pro Real Algos, a financial algorithm website and service provided through the company ProRealAlgos (hereinafter referred to as “Pro Real Algos”, “we” “our”, or “us”). ProRealTime™ is a trademark registered by the third-party entity Pro Real Time SAS.

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