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Plug&play algos with
proven OOS results
Don't trade 8 hours straight, automate! Get the best algos built on the best core strategies from the highest rated, market leading ProRealTime™ developer. 29 different algos for 10+ different markets.
Browse our plug&play algos
From €129 per algo, see our pricing plans
Prime DAX M3 algo

One our oldest algos is also our best-selling and best-performing system with an average annual return over 500%

Prime DAX M2 algo

While the Prime DAX M2 hasn't proven to be as robust as the Prime DAX M3, it has still returned steady gains year after year

Prime DOW M5 algo

If you succeed in timing the start of your Prime DOW M5 this will be the best algo you will ever have. Just look at the second half of 2022.

Prime US100 M2 algo

It's clear why the Prime US100 M2 algo is one of our top selling algos. The total gain of 900% since release is just ludicrous.

Prime US100 M30 algo

When this high timeframe algo is trending you will see long streaks of consecutive wins. Just look at 2020-2021.

FX USD/JPY H1 algo

A high timeframe FX algo that, even with great live results pre- and post release date, has alot to prove. And that's what it's doing every month!

Prime DAX M3b algo

We noticed that the Prime DAX M2 algo proved great results on the 3 min timeframe. So we made an algo out of that.

Cuts MIB M5 algo

One of our more exotic algos distinguishes itself by having small monthly losses, weighed up for big profit months.

PATF US100 M15 algo

Based on the Price Action Trend Following Core strategy this algo from FXAutomate was released to prove itself on October 8th

Cuts DAX M3 algo

The algo with the biggest winning single month ever. Distinguishes itself with small losses and large (LARGE) winning trades

Cuts US100 M5b algo

This long-only mean reversion algo on NDQ looks for divergencies in RSI[5] around the mean price level. Confirmed by SMACD being oversold.

Cuts Gold H1 algo

This long only algo swing trades gold with a simple yet effective strategy based on the current mid term trend

Cuts SP500 H1

This long only algo swing trades SP500 with a simple yet effective strategy based on the current mid term trend